速報APP / 遊戲 / Moving Balls

Moving Balls





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本


Moving Balls(圖1)-速報App

The Moving Ball is Game for you to play for brain exercise. Just download it and start playing. It is very easy to understand for everyone. It works based on Acceleration sensor of the phone. This is very light weight game and does not need extra permissions or log in, and its not using extra storage of phone.


Moving Balls(圖2)-速報App

    Fully customization is available like select ball and select levels.

    Various Mode to make game more interesting.

Moving Balls(圖3)-速報App

    also providing reverse sensor modes.

We would be very happy on your each comment and suggestion.

Moving Balls(圖4)-速報App

Thanks from AndroNirvana Team.

Moving Balls(圖5)-速報App